Executive Committee and Executive Team - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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This document describes the reorganization of the Executive Committee and Executive Team with delineated duties. The goal is to improve transparency in the roles, representation of faculty, and communication between AS and faculty leads.

Executive Committee Total Release 1.2

President - Release 0.80

The following is adapted from “Your Duties as a Local Senate President” provided by ASCCC.


The President of the Academic Senate represents the voice of Crafton Hills College faculty both locally and statewide. The Senate President sets a tone for the work of the Academic Senate and ensures that work involving the 10+1 is equity-driven. The Senate President takes the initiative to protect and honor the governance responsibilities of faculty within our district and college and uses the Executive Team and Senate to instigate change whenever needed. The President does not simply serve in a leadership role, but takes the development and implementation of college, district, and state policy concerns seriously, recognizing that the path to positive, equitable change begins within these forums.


  • Shall provide a Senate report verbally or in writing to the Board of Trustees at their first regularly scheduled meeting of each month during the Academic Year.
  • Shall meet with the VPI, President, and Chancellor regularly.
  • Shall keep communication with SBVCs AS, CHC Classified, Student Senate, and SBCCDTA presidents.
  • Shall meet regularly with the college president, vice president of instruction, and district chancellor to express the views of the Senate and stay abreast of the district administration's views.
  • Advocate for appropriate, equitable faculty development funding, and ask to have such funding called out and earmarked in appropriate grants and budgets calling for the Senate President signature.
  • Engage in ongoing discussions with faculty on current topics.
  • Communicate with and respond promptly to requests for information from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Chancellor's Cabinet.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Crafton Council.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Equivalency Committee.
  • Shall serve as a director of the Crafton Hills College Foundation Board.
  • Shall appoint a VP or proxy to serve on Crafton Council prioritizing areas not represented by the President (e.g. non-instructional, CTE, etc.)
  • Shall serve on or attend additional committees, such as Planning and Program Review, as needed or decided by the Executive Committee.
  • Shall guide faculty to all senate committees and other campus and district committees where faculty representation is required or requested except those of the bargaining agent.
  • Shall recommend Senate representatives whenever necessary, such as for peer evaluations, screening committees, or district-wide committees.
  • Shall ensure that the sub-committees of the local Senate have appropriate support and guidance.
  • Shall work with the Executive Team to resolve concerns of individual faculty members or to refer faculty members to the bargaining unit on matters of wages or working conditions.
  • Organize the Executive Team to ensure the effective participation of staff and students in the areas that have a substantial effect on them.
  • Encourage other faculty to participate in the events sponsored by the Academic Senate, such as webinars, plenaries, and area meetings.
  • Ensure that student surveys are reviewed by the Academic Senate.
  • Recruit and foster new leaders for Senate Roles, including Academic Senate President.
Academic Senate
  • Shall preside over all Senate meetings.
  • Shall take lead on planning and preside over all local Senate Plenaries.
  • Shall observe the spirit of the Open Meetings Acts and ensure that Senate subcommittees do as well.
  • Conduct orientations of new faculty to explain the functions of the local senate.
  • Ensure that appropriate committee member and chair training takes place regularly.
  • Participate in the search and selection of candidates to fill administrative positions.
  • Shall organize and hold regular meetings of the executive committee.
Research and Documentation
  • Shall review and distribute the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Handbook.
  • Shall review the board agenda before meetings and report on items to the Senate.
  • Shall coordinate the review of policy, procedures, and handbooks with the Academic Senate.
  • Shall speak on behalf of faculty to the board as directed by the Senate or members of the Executive Committee if a full Senate meeting is not possible before the date of the board meeting.
  • Shall ensure that all local Senate documentation, including bylaws and constitution, are updated to reflect equity-mindedness.
  • Develop recommendations relating to academic and professional matters for presentation to the Board.
  • Attend and participate in the fall and spring Academic Senate Plenary Sessions, providing for an official voting delegate.
  • Attend and participate in all Area Pre-session meetings.
Public Addresses
  • Shall lead the all-faculty meeting with the President of SBCCDTA during in-service each semester.
  • Shall present updates during the all-campus welcome at in-service each semester.
  • Shall give a congratulatory speech on behalf of faculty during Commencement each year.


Vice-President of Outreach - Release 0.20


The Vice-President Outreach for the Academic Senate assists with the communication and engagement with constituencies and local and state-wide organizations as related to the work of the Academic Senate. The Vice-President of Outreach should focus on making significant strides toward a more equitable campus and district, including and most notably, in areas where positive change is seen as difficult due to procedural and cultural roadblocks. The Vice-President of Outreach actively works to increase communication and engagement with and between constituencies and local and state-wide organizations to help diminish such roadblocks.

Both Vice-Presidents take the initiative to support the President and instigate innovation, communication, and advocacy whenever needed and are well suited to step into the role of President.        


  • Shall provide a Senate report in-person or in writing to the Board of Trustees at their first regularly scheduled meeting of each month during the Academic Year in the absence of the President with assistance from the Vice-President of Planning.
  • Shall assist with the creation of reports to the Board of Trustees at their first regularly scheduled meeting of each month during the Academic Year.
  • Shall join the president in at least one meeting a year with the college president, vice president of instruction, and district chancellor to express the views of the Senate and stay abreast of the district administration's views.
  • Engage in ongoing discussions with faculty on current concerns.
  • Shall serve on or attend additional committees, such as Planning and Program Review or Crafton Council, as decided by the Executive Committee. 
  • Shall guide faculty to all senate committees and to all other campus and district committees where faculty representation is required or requested except those of the bargaining agent.
  • Shall actively recruit and document membership of faculty on Crafton and SBCCD committees and workgroups and state-wide ASCCC committees.
  • Shall actively recruit, document,  and disseminate ASCCC Liaisons and fill positions of Liaisons as needed.
  • Encourage other faculty to participate in the events sponsored by the Academic Senate such as local plenaries or all faculty meetings and events sponsored by ASCCC.
  • Shall work with the Executive Team to resolve concerns of individual faculty members or to refer faculty members to the bargaining unit on matters of wages or working conditions.
  • Recruit and foster new leaders for Senate Roles, including Vice-President Outreach.
Academic Senate
  • Shall preside over all Senate meetings, when the Senate President is unavailable.
  • Shall ensure quorum is met before any voting during Academic Senate meetings and assist with outreach for Senators who are not in attendance.
  • Shall monitor time allocations for all agenda items and apprise the President when the time for an item is expiring agendas.
  • Shall observe the spirit of the Open Meetings Acts during Senate meetings and assist in ensuring that Senate subcommittees do as well.
  • Assist with ensuring that appropriate committee member and sub-committee chair training is well attended and occurs regularly.
  • Shall assist with recruiting faculty to attend local Senate Plenaries.
Research and Documentation
  • Shall review the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Handbook.
  • Shall promote awareness of all local Senate documentation, including bylaws and constitution, to all faculty.
  • Shall attend at least ASCCC Plenary per year.
  • In the case of a vacancy of Presidency, shall work with the Executive Team to fill the role of president temporarily until a special election can be held unless less than a semester of the term remains. In such cases, either or both Vice-Presidents shall serve out the remainder of the previous President’s term or appoint an interim President for the remainder of the term as decided by the Executive Committee.

Vice-President of Support - Release 0.20


The Vice-President of Support for the Academic Senate assists with organizing documentation and transformation for procedures related to supporting the President’s duties and Senate work. The Vice-President of Support should focus on making significant strides toward a more equitable campus and district, including and most notably, in areas where positive change is seen as difficult due to procedural and cultural roadblocks. The Vice-President of Support collects, creates, and organizes documentation and communication to advance and support the work Academic Senate and its sub-committees.  

Both Vice-Presidents take the initiative to support the President and instigate innovation, communication, and advocacy whenever needed and are well suited to step into the role of President.


  • Shall meet with the VPI, President, and Chancellor in absence of the President and prepare a report for the president regarding such meetings.
  • Shall assist with the creation of reports to the Board of Trustees at their first regularly scheduled meeting of each month during the Academic Year.
  • Shall join the president in at least one meeting a year with the college president, vice president of instruction, and district chancellor to express the views of the Senate and stay abreast of the district administration's views.
  • Engage in ongoing discussions with faculty on current concerns.
  • Shall serve on or attend additional committees, such as Planning and Program Review or Crafton Council, as needed or decided by the Executive Committee.
  • Shall work to clearly document the faculty membership of Senate committees and all other campus and district committees where faculty representation is required or requested except those of the bargaining agent.
  • Shall ensure that the sub-committees of the local Senate have appropriate support and guidance.
  • Shall work with all Faculty Leads, ASCCC Liaisons, sub-committee chairs, and administration to help ensure that reporting between committees and to the Academic Senate is clear, concise, and relevant.
  • Assist with planning related to the effective participation of staff and students in the areas that have a substantial effect on them.
  • Shall work with the Executive Team to resolve concerns of individual faculty members or to refer faculty members to the bargaining unit on matters of wages or working conditions.
  • Recruit and foster new leaders for Senate Roles, including Vice-President of Support.
Academic Senate
  • Shall keep all minutes of the general Senate meetings and distribute summaries of meeting action items to all faculty and to all other interested parties who request such summaries.
  • Shall assist with the public posting of Academic Senate agendas and minutes.
  • Shall assist with planning local Senate Plenaries.
Research and Documentation
  • Shall preserve all records pertaining to Senate business, including minutes, resolutions, awards, documents related to chair and committee member training, and faculty lead positions.
  • Shall assist with coordinating the review of policy, procedures, and handbooks with the Academic Senate.
  • Shall ensure that all local Senate documentation, including bylaws and constitution, are updated to reflect equity mindedness.
  • Shall support the Open Meetings Acts via clear, effective, and accessible documentation and assist in ensuring that Senate subcommittees do as well.
  • Shall organize and maintain the Senate archives.
  • Shall attend at least one Area meeting per year.
  • In the case of a vacancy of Presidency, shall work with the Executive Team to fill the role of president temporarily until a special election can be held unless less than a semester of the term remains. In such cases, either or both Vice-Presidents shall serve out the remainder of the previous President’s term or appoint an interim President for the remainder of the term as decided by the Executive Committee.



The Treasurer maintains and manages all financial accounts of the Academic Senate. The Treasurer serves as an active member of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and assists with the work of the Executive Team as needed.


  • Shall oversee the Senate budget and all its accounts.
  • Shall serve as liaison officer to the Faculty Association and shall, in that capacity, accept responsibility for the collection of dues and the management of the Faculty Association account.
  • Shall report regularly at Academic Senate meetings on the status of all Academic Senate accounts.
  • Shall organize the procurement of items to commemorate faculty achievement or mourn the loss of  faculty (e.g. plaques for faculty of the year or emeritus faculty, tables, bricks, or other items in  remembrance of departed faculty.)
  • Recruit and foster new leaders for Senate Roles, including Treasurer. 

Leadership Liaison


The Leadership Liaison is meant to mentor faculty, as well as encourage them to adopt leadership roles and increase engagement with the campus, by allowing them to become more familiar with the work of Academic Senate Leadership and Faculty Leads and engagement opportunities without assuming additional responsibilities.  [One seat for one year with a two-year term limit.]


  • Shall attend Academic Senate and Academic Senate Executive Committee meetings
  • Shall offer expertise in the planning of Academic Senate agendas as well as the work of the Academic Senate Committee and Team.
  • Shall actively promote the role of the Academic Senate, Executive Committee, and Executive Team to all faculty.
  • Shall communicate with the Director of Student Life and the Director of Institutional Advancement to keep the Academic Senate, Executive Committee and Executive Team apprised of faculty opportunities to engage with upcoming campus events.
  • Recruit and foster new leaders for Senate Roles, including Leadership Liaison.

Executive Committee


The Executive Committee gives direction and guidance to faculty through their work in leading and organizing Academic Senate as well as mentoring leadership for faculty in all roles and serving on all committees. The Executive Committee also stays vigilant of changes, both formal and informal, to administrative decisions, policies, and procedures, both local and statewide, to ensure that the faculty voice is represented.


Academic Senate President, Vice-President of Planning, Vice-President of Organizing, Treasurer, and Rotating Seat.


The executive committee makes recommendations to the Academic Senate for official title changes, resolutions, and agenda and plenary items. In the case of a vacancy of any Executive Committee position, the remaining Executive Committee works to plan a special election, or if less than a semester of the vacated term remains, select an interim or interims for the position.

Executive Team


The Executive Team gives direction and guidance for the Academic Senate agenda to ensure that faculty work and the need for faculty input are consistent, well represented, and equitable. The Executive Team will attend Executive Committee meetings to assist with the creation of the Academic Senate Agenda and discuss and brainstorm solutions to any obstacles in addressing their lead work.


The Academic Senate Committee and all released faculty leads including Professional Development, Distance Education, Multilingual, Curriculum, Honors, Guided Pathways, and Chair of Chairs.


The Executive Team makes recommendations to the Academic Senate for resolutions and agenda and plenary items. The Executive Team can also make recommendations to the Executive Committee for interim seats due to vacancies.